Thursday, November 27, 2008


I think sometimes we forget in the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving to actually think about being thankful. Well, at least I know I have done that in the past. So today I'm going to list some of the things I'm thankful for, feel free to add what you are thankful for in the comments section. :)

1. My God - for his ever present plan for our lives, for giving us life, for so many more things

Could we with ink the oceans fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above
Would drain the oceans dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.
- From the song The Love of God

2. My husband - We've been married 6 and 1/2 years now, wow has time flown by. I'm thankful for his support, his companionship, his wit, his humor, his way with Ohlen, and his love. Oh and all the money he saves us by doing all sorts of things around the house himself, like car maintenance.

3. My Ohlen - He is 2 already! I'm thankful for his laughs, his tickles, the way he kept looking at me and giggling when I came home from Texas, the way he constantly gets me to work on my patience :), his inventiveness, his humor, and his love.

4. My Little One - I'm thankful for seeing his or her heartbeat, for the every so often flutter that may be from the baby, for the promise of a new life in our home, for the morning sickness stopping :), and for someday knowing that I will feel this baby's love. :)

5. My Family - All of them - they make me happy :)

6. My Friends - You know who you are - and I love you!

7. My Weiner Dogs - I'm thankful for the nice warm heaters when I want to take a nice cozy nap on the couch, or when I want to sit and read. I'm thankful for all the entertainment they provide, and how absolutely wonderful they are with Ohlen.

8. Maternal Fetal Medicine and Dr. Schmotzer (hemotologist) at Aultman - MFM is filled with very effecient and extremely nice people. I have found that usually if you are fast, it takes out of the friendliness, but not so here. I love being there for all my baby appointments and so glad they will be taking care of everything again. And I'm especially thankful for the 1 minute wait I usually have there to get in the room and to see a doctor, I don't even know why they put magazines around. Dr. Schmotzer - without him, I don't know if any of my pregnancies would end well. He takes care to make sure my blood is nice and able to unclot so I don't get a blood clot. He is a wondeful, caring doctor (although his wait time is much much longer, but I forgive him.) and I am very thankful for his care.

9. The less important things - snow, hot tea, honey, Christmas trees, Christmas shopping, short waits at Dr.'s office, The Muppet Movie (the only thing Ohlen actually likes to watch), Robert Jordan and his Wheel of Time series, cheap plane tickets that allow us to visit far off family :), clean water, Christmas music, having the mechanical skills to put desks together :), the zoo

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Time in Texas, New Car, Today's Appointment

I had such a great time in Texas with Nate and Aubyn. We went out to eat, saw Bolt in 3D, went to the zoo, went to the beach, and played Blockus. I got to see their place and where they hang out, I got to meet some of Nate's coworkers, and I got to go with them to their church. It was a really great time. I was ready to be home, but at the same time it felt like my time there was way too short. It was pretty warm there too. Probably in the 60s most of the time, but I was happy to come home to the snow. :)

While I was away we got our new car. Well it's not new, but just new for us. I never thought we would ever own an SUV, but here we are. I drove it today, and I like it. It will mostly be Jonathan's work car, or at least that is the plan for now. It has a sweet lumbar control, which is pretty much awesome. It makes me think I could drive it for long periods of time.

Today I had a doctor's appointment. To be honest, I was really nervous about this one. I just had this awful feeling. I didn't have any reason to have that feeling, at all, but nonetheless, it was there. So I did the normal routine stuff, found out I've gained only 1 pound so far, yay. Then the Dr. came in to listen to the heartbeat. He tried for about 15-30 seconds with the doppler. I don't know if I looked really nervous or he was just in a hurry, but he was like, well let's just do this the quick and dirty way. So he fired up this little sonogram machine they have right there, and I got to SEE the baby again. He pointed and said, see right there, that's the heart beating - I didn't see anything moving at all, but he's the Dr. he knows. :) I could make out a body and a head. It was very cool and now I'm feeling so much better. The heart rate was at about 130 so you can use that information to try and guess the gender if you would like. I can't remember if it is a faster one for a boy or a girl... I just know that scientific, it isn't. :)

Oh and then I got my flu shot. I never had one before. It really didn't hurt going in, but MY GOODNESS. About 15 minutes later it felt like someone ran a truck into my arm. Crazy. Now it doesn't hurt all that much again. So that's good.

Today was just a really good day, besides the appointment, I had lunch with Heidi, got to listen to Christmas music in the car with heated seats and lumbar control, got to go Christmas shopping, and got a letter from Laura!!! Oh and also got a short visit from Jeremy and Lacey tonight, which is a nice bonus. :) The only bad spot of the day is that my throat is hurting. :( Hopefully it doesn't escalate into anything.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Friday, November 21, 2008


I'm in Texas!! Yay! At the moment Nate and Aubyn are off teaching so I'm hanging out here at their place with Mr. Murphy. (their dog) It's been the laziest day I've had in a long time. It's kind of weird not having anyone to take care of. I miss my boys, but I am having a great time.

I would advise everyone to fly out of Akron Canton. It was amazing. There was no line to check in, only 3 people in front of me in line at security. It not at all stressful. My flights were both very uneventful and they had these great little cinnamon cookie things. Overall, it was a great travel experience.

I'm looking forward to a great time hanging out with Nate and Aubyn. I'm sure the time will go all too fast. :)

Only 5 days until I get to hear baby Troyer's heartbeat!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Numbering the Days

As I sit here with a cup of hot tea and a handful of chocolate chips, I can't help but think of all the wonderful things we have to look forward to in the coming months...

9 days until I leave for Texas to Nate and Aubyn!!

15 days until my next baby appointment where I will get to hear a heartbeat!

16 days until Thanksgiving and yummy turkey!

17 days until I put up my Christmas tree! :)

44 days until Christmas!

50 days until New Years!

55 days until we find out if we are having a boy or girl!

I can't believe how quick everything is approaching. Especially my trip to Texas! I really have been looking forward to seeing where they live and having a few days to myself.

Also, please be praying for us over the next couple of days. We actually got a call about the house and someone is supposed to come and look at it tonight or tomorrow. We have really mixed feelings about it all. Our plans are still to sell and move, but we thought we had the timing figured out. And this wasn't a part of our plan. (We can't take the house off the market, without penalty, because of the contract we signed.) We have put together a plan of sorts of what we would do if it does sell, but I'm so conflicted. I was so looking forward to another Christmas here. BUT I decided I'm not thinking or worrying about it until something happens. We're in good hands, we just wish we knew what was going on. :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

History in the Making

Well today's the day. Well or maybe tomorrow. No matter who gets elected history will be made. Personally I'm just glad I will be able to watch TV with out the attack ads, read the paper without all the election predictions, and get online with out seeing a map of the country colored red and blue. Sure I like a political discussion every now and again, but I'm ready for it to be over. I'm ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas. :)

Pregnancy has been going good. I'm feeling much better than I was a couple of weeks ago. It's amazing to me how different two pregnancies can be. With Ohlen I was rarely sick, felt sure we were having a boy, and really wasn't that nervous about anything. I expected to have a healthy baby.

This time I've been alot more sick, not horribly so, but enough to make me want to sleep away the day a few days. This time I'm feeling girl, but who knows if that will be right. We will find out Jan. 5th! A great way to start the new year. :) And this time, I'm nervous. I think I know more about what could go wrong. I'm really trying to stay postivie, and I think I am for the most part. And I have no reason to worry. All appointments have been good. I love all my doctors which is nice. And thank you to all the gas stations for lowering the gas prices so that the drive to Canton for appointments doesn't seem so bad. :)

Seriously though, who ever thought that gas would get below 2 dollars again. I sure didn't.

I'll try to post more often. There just isn't too much news to report. Unless everyone wants to hear story after story about Ohlen. :) That's all the news I've got lately.

Enjoy your election day.