A long time ago - 3 and 1/2 years actually - I picked out paint colors for our new house. I spent hours staring at paint chips and trying to decide which colors I liked. I also had a husband to run these colors by, and he can be a little picky. Most of the house would be in a cream color. The future kids' rooms would be very muted colors (you can't even tell there is color there...) Our room was a nice light blue. The kitchen, oh the glorious kitchen, was to be a wonderful wine redish. And the bathrooms were the only other bold colored rooms. The color I chose for them was Aqua Smoke.
So the colors were chosen. Then something amazing happened. I gave birth to our oldest son. It was a wonderful, yet very tiring time. And did I mention we were building a house. The way our builders work, is that you have a certain amount of time to get things done before they need to move on. And they can't call the work done, until every thing is done. So if you want to save money and paint walls and stain trim yourself, you have to do it within a strict timeline.
The paint was bought. Then paint day came. We had about a weekend to get all the painting done. Then they would be bringing in all the trim and doors and wanting to put in the carpet. Paint Day was September 23rd - Ohlen was born September 6th. He was just over 2 weeks old. Ok, we were INSANE! Truth be told there was a group of wonderful, amazing people who came and painted the day away for us. I brought some food over at one point, and did paint a little, but I didn't do much. It all looked great.
Except something was wrong with the bathroom paint. I mentioned it to my husband. It was pretty much - If that's the color on the wall, that's what color it is going to be. (Did I mention the strict deadline + the 2 week old baby...) It turns out that the paint mixer mixed the correct color, they just had the settings set for a pint, when it should have been a gallon. So Aqua Smoke was incredibly washed out. So I was disappointed, but I had more important things to worry about.
Now finally, 3 years later, one of the two bathrooms is close to the color I wanted it. I got the paint at a different store, so I didn't get the exact color, but I think it is close. Here's the before and after: (And if you got through the crazy long story, I commend you. :)) Oh and I was here staining trim and doors too many hours at a time with a 4 week old... And moving in with a 7 week old. Those were crazy crazy times.
Ok seriously, here are the pictures. Oh and no this is not of the same bathroom, but my camera wasn't here to take a before picture, but the other bathroom was the same exact color.
And tomorrow (or the next day) look for a post about my crazy giveaway winnings - fun stuff!