Monday, November 29, 2010

The Ugly Truth

This is how I feel about being pregnant:

 (Well, ok, infinitely more happy than getting a Doxie calendar... but yes, very happy. :))

This is how being pregnant is making me feel:

Small confession - these pictures are both 6 years old.  I had to dig them out because I knew there would be good ones to display the bluh side of things - and I didn't want to take staged ones at the moment... 

Trimester 2 will be here in about 2 weeks - I'm hoping and praying it brings some relief from this nausea.  It usually does.  Until then, don't be surprised to see the above look on my face.  :)

I have more posts I would like to write.  This week is looking to be crazy... so hopefully someday they will make up here to the interwebs.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


This weekend I traveled with two other ladies to PA to visit my best friend!  We had so much fun.  There was lots of talking, shopping, and relaxing.

The big event for the weekend was going to see Harry Potter.  There was a brand new IMAX theater in town, so we saw the movie there.  It was amazing.  I love the books - and to me, this one was the best adaption from book to movie yet.  I loved it.  Now, my husband, he saw the movie this weekend too - because some of his friends wanted to see it. He hasn't read the books - and he just thought it was ok.  And I can see that.  I'm not sure how I would feel about the movies if I didn't love the books so much.  I'm so excited for the final movie.  Although it is slated to come on in July of next year.  About a month after my due date.  Should be interesting trying to get out to the theater. :-D

Also - one of the previews that was before the movie was for Cars 2!  I think we have a good second movie for Ohlen to watch at the theater. He is going to be SO excited. :)  I think that one will be out in June... so looks like it will probably be a Daddy date for that one. :)

Tonight I jokingly told Jonathan that I bet that as soon as the nausea goes away the heart burn will start.  And guess what?  I had a slight bout of heart burn this evening.  Apparently I have jinxed myself...

I'm officially 10 weeks along now.  Baby is growing finger nails - and has all its vital organs.  Just such an amazing miracle life is.  Just have to keep reminding myself that through the nausea - it's all happening for a wonderful reason.

Also got to see my brother and sister (in law) tonight!  She is expecting - due in 2 months.  I'm so excited for them, and can't wait to meet my very first nephew!

I love my family. Immediate and extended.
And my friends.
So thankful for all of you!

Now on to Thanksgiving week. Lots of cooking to do.  A long road trip for Noah and I. Then back for some more cooking/baking and a few more family gatherings.  And sometime in there it will be time to get the tree all set up and the house all Christmased up.  I LOVE this time of year!

Friday, November 5, 2010


This is a single shot of Lov.enox, a blood thinner.
If you see these around the house it could mean a few things, I've either had a major surgery (I haven't), I'm getting over a blood clot (I'm not), or I'm pregnant (ding ding ding!!)

I have a couple mutations that make me more susceptible to getting a blood clot during and after pregnancy, plus there is also a risk of there being blood clots in the placenta and umbilical cord. (At least as far as I understand.)  So each time I am pregnant I have to inject myself with a shot of blood thinner daily.  It really is not too bad.  And the payoff is so worth it.  There is always the question about whether it is really helping, since I've never had blood clotting problems - but I'd rather not test the theory.

Right now I'm just about 8 weeks along.  My current due date is June 19th.  We're over the moon! :)  

I'm also feeling horrible.  lol  I feel really good generally before breakfast and after supper.  The time in between though, is one tired, nauseous blur of a day.  All I want to do is lay on the couch.  But that is kind of hard with 2 little ones running around.  So ready to be out of the first trimester.  So glad it is over half over already. :)  I try not to complain too loudly though, because I know there are women that vomit daily during the first trimester (and beyond) and that would just be horrible.  So I'm so glad that that is not the case. 

So now this site will probably be peppered with pregnancy news here and there.  And there will be some project completions soon.  I finally started some work on the comforters I'm making.  And really those shouldn't take a whole lot of time, it's just being in the "mood" to do something (anything!)