The first change - I'm changing the actual address of the site. I'll be changing it in a few days - hopefully giving everyone enough time to check and come along. I'll probably open a new blog under the old address to direct people here, if I can. Mostly changing because I want it to match all the rest of my stuff - and would like it to not include my last name. So the new address will be So head on over there, actually probably today as I've just changed my mind as I was typing here. I think I'll move it - and open a new one and leave a link there. Not sure how that will work with followers and if any of you are using Google reader. I thought about just opening a new blog, but I wanted everything to come along.
So I also changed the name of the blog to coleslaw1017. Why? I've been realizing that my posts don't all fall under the category of quilting, kids, cultivation, and cooking. And I don't want to limit myself to that. This blog is mostly for my own benefit. I like having a place to share about my family, my random thoughts, and other things. I know I don't have a whole lot of followers, but I really don't care. It's just a fun thing for me. And I hope that sometimes it is entertaining, maybe even helpful. In any event, coleslaw1017 has been my internet identity since sometime around 2000. A few people in my life have called me Cole - and it just lent itself to coleslaw. Even though I don't care very much for the food. The 1017 is actually a date - 10/17 - 1999 to be precise. It is the day Jonathan and I started dating. The beginning of my life being what it is today. So yeah, so very important to me.
As far as content here - I really don't expect to change that. I think the changes I'm making are going to match with my posting habits better than my former name did. Just a random mix of whatever comes to mind. I really have enjoyed this blogging thing, and really hope to continue. And I hope you are enjoying it too - although I suppose you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't.
Thanks for reading - and bearing with the changes. :)