Well we have made a few steps towards moving.
- The truck is sold.
- We have a potential buyer for the tractor!! We should find for sure by the end of the weekend. And if that doesn't go through we got a call from someone else today, so there is a back up.
- We applied for Ohlen's passport and also sent in mine to be renewed.
We haven't had much interest in the house, but we are started to form plans to get things moving along. We really feel that this is where we are supposed to go right now, and we feel like we just need to take a leap of faith and dive in. The only reason we would keep waiting is to hold out for more profit, and we just don't feel that is what we are supposed to do. So, as we see it, we will be in Ireland before the end of the year. Crazy, but exciting too. And of course, it really matters on how quickly Jonathan can get a job too. For whatever reason, neither of us is really worried about that part of the process.
Well, that's all the news for today. I hope to get some pictures up in some posts soon. I've got some good ones of Ohlen adapting to living at Mom and Dad's, and some of the things we've been doing now that I'm not babysitting anymore.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
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