Then we headed to Rolling Ridge Ranch. I would definitely recommend that place to anyone with kids. I was a little concerned because the sky was looking dark, but everything turned out fine. We payed and looked around at their petting zoo and other animals until the wagon was ready. There were only 3 other people on the wagon besides us. Another lady and her 2 year old daughter and the driver. It was so cool. We got buckets of feed to feed the animals we saw. They would come right up to the wagon. Ohlen's favorite to feed, I think, were the ostriches. They would peck the feed out quite ferociously. Feed would fly everywhere and he thought it was hilarious. There is nothing better than seeing your child experience something new and thoroughly enjoying it.
When we were on the last leg of the wagon ride it started pouring! The other lady and I hugged the kids tight, trying to keep them dry. Ohlen was pretty dry, but I was soaked! It was crazy. I'm glad it did though, because we really do need it. So we all ran to the gift shop to look around a bit. We picked out a little rhino to take home. Then we headed back to Berlin and got some lunch. He got this cute little fuzzy Neopets toy in his meal and some stickers. Definitely a better kids meal toy than usual. Right up there with the Transformer he got a while back. It was a really nice day with my little guy. I can't wait to get out to a petting zoo again soon.
Below are some pictures of the day. The first picture is before we left, sporting his new sunglasses from Aunt Laura. The 2nd is from Hershbergers. The rest, except for the last, are from Rolling Ridge. The last picture is after we got back and Ohlen was showing off his booty from the day. :)

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