Now for the other thing, sauerkraut. I was in our local grocery store and they had huge locally grown cabbage, so I bought one. Found out once I got home the sucker weighs 8lbs. That's a whole lot of cabbage. I bought it with the mind set that I was going to be making sauerkraut, but I had never actually read up on how it is done... So after I get home I read and find out that it is going to take about 6 weeks to fermet - um, ew! I never have liked sauerkraut, and the thought of fermenting cabbage just does not appeal to me in the slightest, but hey it's all for love. :) I have yet to start this adventure. I will let you know in about a month and a half if it was successful. Meanwhile any handy sauerkraut tips would be great. Oh and I've already heard the - just buy a jar when you need it. I've already bought the cabbage and darn it I won't let it go to waste!!
Now on to the Domestic Improvements. Don't really know why I am posting this stuff except that I am extremely excited about them both, and once you hear what they are you are free to roll your eyes at my "oldness" and so totally uncoolness.
First off I won the bid on a chest freezer at an auction last Saturday. I love it!!! I have enough room in my regular freezer for 4 or more ice cube trays!! And when I open it random frozen foods don't fall on my toes; it's amazing. And it was a pretty good deal at $75, I think.

Secondly, I've been trying to figure out a way to have a semi permanent place to sew and do other things like that. I finally figured out a solution that was mostly acceptable to my husband and me. We'll see how long it lasts. :) I just hope it helps me get things done.

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