So finally, after thinking about for quite a long time, I've changed my header and title of my blog. This started out as the adventures of our family moving, and has become more of an outlet for myself - so I thought I would make it a little more personalized to me.
When I was first thinking about changing the name I had a pretty rough time coming up with something. I wanted it to convey what I was talking about on here, and have a little bit of me in it. Needless to say, I had a bit of trouble coming up with something clever. As I was thinking it all over I realized that 3 things that I usually talk about are my kids, cooking, and quilting. And then, because I am a huge nerd, I starting thinking about how strange the English language is - that you can have an alliteration with three words that start with different letters. So I decided that that would somehow play into my new name.
That was about 2-3 weeks ago... Finally yesterday I sat down to make a new header. I wanted something a little more generic. Somehow I had taken a picture of food on top of my cutting mat, which seemed perfect. Then I added my alliteration, but it felt like it needed something else. With just posting my garden post, I figured I needed a word for that - and came up with cultivation. Then I had to look up alliteration, just to be sure that it really was an alliteration, and then to see if there were other forms of the word. That was how I found the phrase alliterative verse, so I figured it would be ok to use the word alliterative in other ways. So My Alliterative Life was born. Tag Line: Stories of Kids, Cooking, Quilting, Cultivation (and other random things)
It states what I usually talk about, and there is a bit of me in there. The geeky nerdy grammar loving bit. (We won't get into how one of my favorite classes in college was my senior level grammar class...) Please don't critique my grammar on here though. I love it, and like to be grammatically correct, but I know I am not all that great with it. :)
Oh, and I also set my self a goal to try and post something every day until next Tuesday - just for fun. It has been fun coming up with something to post each day.