The pop of a jar sealing is probably the most fulfilling noise for a canner. I know it gives me enjoyment to hear it. :)
This afternoon's project was to make and can some strawberry jam. Usually Sundays are reserved for leisure, but with a power outage yesterday and strawberries that were getting more mushy by the minute, it had to be done today. The recipe is quite simple.
2 quarts strawberries
6 cups sugar
Mix together in sauce pan. Bring to a slow boil. Cook quickly to gelling point. (Do not let it boil over... it doesn't smell that great burning under the burner...) Fill the jars and all that good stuff (email me for more precise canning instructions if you need them.) Process 15 minutes in a boiling water canner.
I'll let you know how it turns out. I also didn't use quite as much sugar as it called for, so we'll wee how that worked too.
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