Hey all! Just wanted to give an update of what is going on over here.
The Kids:
Katherine just turned 6 weeks yesterday - and has a Dr. appointment today. I'm curious to see where she is stat wise. She has been doing pretty good. A bit fussy here and there, but really nothing horrible. She has been sleeping from about 930 - 2 and 245 - 6/630. Which has been nice. Still not sleeping through the night really, but better than only getting 2 hours of sleep at a time. (3 hours between feedings = start of feeding to the next start - so only get as much sleep as is left after the eating is done - which can take 45 min there abouts) She is really starting to fill out, and still looks very much like her brothers did at this stage.

Noah is definitely a 2 year old. He is either super happy or throwing fits. Oh, and that is Desitin he has spread all over his legs. His response when I walked in on this "Uh-oh" As if he didn't just do it on purpose and the Desitin just jumped out of the container onto his skin. :) His big brother knows just what buttons to push to get him to screech. Considering all the changes he's just been through, I would say he is doing really really well. We also took away his pacifier a few weeks ago. He was still taking it during nap time and at night. We took it away cold turkey. The first night he cried for quite a while before falling asleep, and woke up once or twice, but really it wasn't that terrible. It is harder to get him to slow down for nap time, but really, it went really well. He is also starting to show some interest in the potty. I'm not fully committed to starting it all right now. I was going to this fall, but really since he is showing some interest I might just go with it.

Ohlen. Oh Ohlen. He is growing up so fast. Our biggest issue with this guy these days is that he is starting to talk back and argue more. It can be really frustrating. On the positive side he really loves his siblings and is, usually, a great big brother. The times when he and Noah are playing nicely are just so great. He has really enjoyed being over here and visiting his Great Grandma. We are also working with him to ween him off of TV and video games. I got pretty lax in those first weeks we were here. Because of where his birthday lies he will have to wait until next year for Kindergarten, so I plan to do some "school" time with him starting soon. Nothing too intense, but just to get him more used to sitting and completing a task. This guy will be 5 in a month and a half - not sure where my first born baby has gone.

Us. Jonathan and I are loving it here. We love the house. We love our neighbors. We love our location. Nothing too exciting going on. We are still trying to pinpoint where we want to go for our 10th anniversary next year. Our top choices at the moment are London or someplace tropical. (think all inclusive beach bum vacation) Any suggestions/opinions/advice?
Yes, that is Katherine tucked away in the sling. (Have I mentioned I love the sling - don't use it as much as I could - but I love it) I am feeling pretty much back to normal. I have a whole other post planned for weight stuff, because that is taking up lots of my thought process these days. In a week and a half I will start babysitting again. I'm looking to get super organized for that - also probably another post.
In new stuff - I've been visiting
Pinterest a whole lot. That will link you to my boards. Kind of a more fantastical bookmarking system. Probably could do a whole post on it - maybe I will later. If you want to join, but need an invite, let me know.
Also have been checking out Twitter a bit more, but really, I am really behind as to what all the abbreviations mean. And how exactly to reply to someone and all that jazz. Makes me feel kind of old... :)
Hope you all are doing well. And hope to start posting more soon. As you'll notice, I didn't follow through with the Sunday music post. Maybe this Sunday.