Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blah Week

Did you ever have one of those weeks that just kind of drifts by.  Not much gets done, besides what is absolutely necessary. (Like feeding oneself and children and husband (and sometimes not him.), oh and cleaning dishes - so there is something to put the food on...)

This has been that week.  Now, I should give myself a little credit.  I did actually get some things done.  I cleaned out/up a couple closets, but really, that was about it.  At least from Wednesday to today.

The culprit: Nasty head cold (that is migrating to my chest - joys) + pregnancy.  Not a fun combo.  I was getting really good about getting some walking (and even an occasional jog) in, but that has completely been put on the back burner.  I can't be doing much active for very long before I feel that I need to sit down. It doesn't make for very productive days.

There have been quite a few things I wanted to blog about too.  A really good Bratwurst tip I found.  A recipe for some baked "french fries" I've been making.  The progress on the B.O.M that I actually did do some work on. (Some fixing mistakes work - but it was a pretty easy fix - thank goodness.)  A giveaway win and prize received.  Hopefully - I will get those things up soon.

Until then I will share one of the side effects of pregnancy + cold.

An addled brain.

This is the white board on my refrigerator.  Yes, I wrote that. Yes, I took this picture quite a while after I was done writing....

Yes, I shall have a weekend visitor.  His name shall be Time Chang.  Maybe a relation to Chang from Community....

The worst part - I didn't realize my mistake for 3 or 4 hours - and I KNOW I looked at it within that time frame.  And I think I left it that way...  What kind of life is it if we can't laugh at ourselves.  :)

On the subject of time change - I still think the whole process is silly - the fact that we go back and forth.  And as the mother of small children - it can be downright infuriating.  However, this should be the "good" one.  The kids should sleep until about 8 next Monday - instead of 7.  We shall see. :)


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