The Case of The Unmade Pudding
Exhibit A: The Neverending Cookie Container was empty - and it needed filled. I might have had a mutiny on my hands. I live with a houseful of cookie monsters.
Exhibit B: Yes, I am a gamer. In a very loose sense of the word. I don't have time to be a real serious one, but I still am one. Anyways, for Christmas I got The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, so I've been playing through that. I hear it calling for me right now...
Exhibit C: This is probably actually the main reason. Yes that is a bag of raw sugar - and a mortar and pestle. If you would look in it, you would find crushed raw sugar. Why? Because I am currently completely out of regular white sugar. Not a grain of it in the house. So I thought I would try to use the crushed raw sugar, since the recipe only calls for 1 Tablespoon. It would have worked out great - except that am also currently out of milk. I probably could have used something as a substitute. I have Buttermilk and more cream than it actually calls for - and it might have worked, but it was just too much. I don't want the whole thing to flop because I was experimenting with substitutions. Sooooo my pudding post must wait for another day.
Exhibit C-2: This should go with the last, but I didn't take a picture. Our second vehicle has a flat tire, so Jonathan took the tire to be mended yesterday - so I didn't have a car with which to run errands either yesterday during the day or today. Sure I could have gone last night, but I also didn't realize I was out of that much until too late...
Exhibit D: Ok, they really didn't have any bearing in my not getting the pudding made. I just like this picture. I love that the window is low enough that Noah can see out (and the dogs - that is just hilarious.) Oh and it isn't really that cold in our house. Noah is just learning how to pull himself up on things and when he does this in the kitchen he sometimes falls. He has been hitting his head when he falls, so we started putting the hat on him to protect his noggin from all the banging around oh the hard floor.
Hopefully, I will have a pudding post for you tonight or tomorrow morning.
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