Butterscotch Pudding
Before I start, the original recipe can be found here. I switched out a few things for other things that I already had on hand. I usually skip over recipes that include items that I would only use for the recipe and then the rest would go bad, but I really wanted to make this, so I just crossed my fingers and hoped it would turn out ok. I'll put what I used for the recipe, but note what I substituted for.
3/4 C Heavy Cream (they wanted not ultra pastuerized)
1 1/4 C Milk (Original called for whole - I only had 2%)
5 oz Brown Sugar (Original recipe called for Dark, I used light)
1.5 oz Margarine (Wanted Butter)
2 Tbsp Cornstarch (woah, I didn't substitute at all here...)
1 Tbsp Sugar
2 Large Egg Yolks
1 Large Egg
Pinch Salt
Splash Vanilla
In saucepan melt butter on low heat. Add Brown Sugar. Stir to incorporate - cook for 10 minutes. Add salt
Meanwhile, combine dairy and warm up - do not boil.
Whisk and egg and yolks together in a mid size bowl.
Mix Cornstarch and Sugar in a medium bowl. (They wanted sifting - I didn't do it.) Whisk to combine and make a well in the center.

After the Brown Sugar and Butter have cooked add the Dairy mixture and whisk to smooth out. When this mix is hot to the touch, turn off heat.
Next comes some crazy moving and mixing, but I think the purpose is to have very few lumps - and it did serve that purpose.
Ladle a few ounces of the liquid mix into the well in the cornstarch mix. Whisk in small circles and incorporate. Add a bit more.

Ladle and whisk some of the Dairy mix into the Egg mix. Then combine the Egg and the Cornstarch mixes. Whisk that together, and add into the saucepan with the remaining Dairy mix.
Put the pot on the stove over medium heat. Whisk like crazy - your arm will hurt - maybe even cramp. This took awhile. There was a point where I thought the mix was starting to burn so I pulled it off the stove, but kept whisking and this is when it thickened up a little - so I put it back on the burner and kept whisking until it actually started glooping (boiling).

Take off of heat and add the vanilla. Taste test! Add any salt or vanilla as you see fit.
Serve warm or cold.

Pudding Verdict:
This pudding reminded me alot of my mom's butterscotch pie. Which isn't a bad thing. However, it was too sweet for my tastes - and I think the rest of the family's taste. It probably would have been really good with some whipped cream made from some of the extra cream. Although, the next day, after cooling off, the sweetness was toned down. I think if I were to make it again, I would use less extra sugar, or take out the brown sugar and butter part and just make it vanilla pudding. I would like to make it using all the specific ingredients they wanted, just to see what the difference is, but I thought it turned out pretty good. It did exceed the amount of dishes I like to dirty for one recipe, but I'll let that slide this once. :)

sounds delish!! Even more than the lack of ingredients, too many dishes will keep me from trying a new recipe. [I think that's called lazy :]