Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Jogging Tip 5

The last Tip

Routine makes Habit

The best thing for me has been to find the perfect time of day to jog and to stick with it.  For me that means getting up early and going before anyone else is awake.  It is perfect for me. I used to go in the evening after the boys were in bed, but I was starting to get resentful of my exercise time.  It was taking me away from my couple time/ alone time in the evening.  Plus, if we had something going on in the evening, I would skip the jog.  If I go in the morning, it isn't very likely that I'll have a good excuse to skip.  It also gives me some time to think about the day ahead, what I need to accomplish, errands that need to be run, strategies for not going crazy. 

Overall, the reason I wanted to write these tips is because I have fallen in love with jogging, and I wanted to share the love.  One thing I've learned about myself is that if I want to lose weight, and keep it off, my life is going to have to include exercise.  My metabolism is pretty slow, I need to burn what I can.  I'm not seeing any weight "melt" off - I still need to get my eating under control.  I think I'm doing pretty good, but I know I could do much better too.  And weight isn't the only reason.  I have some blood issues that make me more susceptible to having blood clots (another post for another day) so I need to keep my heart and arteries healthy.  It's all about being healthy.  

I promise some picture posts coming soon.  Those are always more fun. :)

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog Nicole! My goal is to start walking again--thanks for the motivation:)
