While we didn't head out to England, or someplace tropical, we still had a great time hanging out around Capitol Hill in our nation's capital, Washington, DC.
We really went back and forth about where we wanted to go. England was out because it was way out of our budget, for both money and time. All inclusive resorts were out because of budget - mostly because of the having to fly there first. Flights are expensive. We went back and forth between a cruise and this DC trip quite a few times, but in the end decided we wanted to save a cruise for when I would be able to do all the stuff we would want to do. The one cruise we were looking at had some really cool excursions to ruins, but they deemed them as pretty physically intense, and that probably wouldn't be the best for the pregnant lady. Plus there were the plane tickets, which most of the time actually cost more than the base price of the cruise... So we decided to go off to DC.
We had a great time. The great thing about going to DC is that every museum and site we went to was free. We visited the Air and Space Museum, Museum of Natural History, The American History Museum, Museum of Art (which had an exhibit, The Art of Video Games, which was fun.), The Botanical Gardens - all free. We didn't hit up a whole lot of the monuments as we had been there before. We did check out the World War II memorial, as it was new since we had been there in 2000. We did pay to see an IMAX movie at the Air and Space Museum.
Another thing I did for this vacation was to leave my camera at home. These are all from my camera on my phone. I just didn't want to have to worry about my camera.

We were kind of surprised because we didn't think the prices for food were all that outrageous, especially for a big city.
We chose to stay at a hotel close to the Capitol building with the idea that we would be able to walk everywhere. And we did the first night and day, but then we decided to try out the metro system, and we are glad we did. We both got a pass and rode the subway a few times. It was super easy, and saved our feet and backs. I think if we went again, we might stay a little further away from things, and use the subway more. I would think it would save a little on the cost of lodging.
We also checked out two movies while we were there. The Hunger Games and Wrath of the Titans. I enjoyed them, but I'm really not that picky with movies. We learned that one should never order concessions before knowing the price. Lol. We didn't have time for lunch before the one movie, so we got something to tide us over... cheap it was not.

Another thing we did for this trip was rent a car. We only have a mini van and an suv, neither of which gets good gas mileage. Plus, we really didn't want to put that much wear and tear on either of them, as they both have quite a few miles on them already. When it was all said and done, we probably spent just about as much renting as we would have driving our own cars because of the crazy difference in gas mileage. Definitely worth it for us.
I definitely would recommend our hotel if you ever want to stay close to Smithsonian Museums and the Capitol building. We stayed at the Capitol Hill Suites. When I was looking for a place there were very few options that close that also had a free breakfast and free wifi. They had both, and it was great. The staff was very friendly. Our room also had a small (empty) fridge, kitchen sink, and microwave. The one drawback is that there was a fee for having our car parked there.
All in all it was a great trip for us. We were able to have long conversations before 8pm that weren't interrupted. I didn't have to worry about feeding anyone but myself, and there were no diapers to change. We were able to sleep in past 7am! It was a great, relaxing extended weekend.
The kids had a great time too, hanging out with Grandpa and Grandma. They all, apparently, slept really well, which is such a blessing, to have kids that can and will sleep anywhere.
OH - and especially fun is that I actually felt baby moving on the outside. (As in, I felt some movement, and put my hand where I was feeling it, and actually felt it on my hand.) So that was great too, and I have really been having an increase in feeling movement. Our ultrasound is next Tuesday, so hopefully I will be blogging about that soon. As well as a new adventure we are possibly diving into. (Ok, adventure might be too strong of a word... but it involves animals.)
sounds like a great trip! glad you guys had some time to spend with each other!