Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Lately I have had two things weighing heavily on my mind (well more than 2, but these 2 are the ones I want to talk about). Time management and Weight management. Both have alluded me time and time again. They both take will power and discipline.

Weight management is something I have struggled with since I went off to a college that has basically the best food of most all colleges. (I'm not kidding.) There were tons of choices, and always a very well stocked Dessert corner. Plus, there was a well stocked vending machine in our dorm that housed my roommate's and my new favorite candy bar - Reeses Fast Break. And then add in the late night Taco Bell or Papa John's run and there in spells quite a lot of weight gain in two years. (The next two years I lived off campus since I was married.) There was less food consumption and more focus on exercise - so I actually did lose some weight then. I was on a fairly good path, although I was working at a factory with very well stocked vending machines, and a very large sweet tooth. Then I went and had a baby. Wonderful in most all ways, except for weight management. I didn't quite lose it all - ok not even close, when I had baby #2. Since then I've gotten more serious. I did a program for 90 days. I got down to pre baby #2 weight - which is good, but I need more work. The program I did is more of a muscle focused program - and most of the research I've done since suggests that women really should lose the extra weight before doing that program. Our bodies, because of lower testosterone levels, don't build muscle and burn fat at the same time very well. So I just started a new 6 week program that is focused on weight loss. Now I just have to make sure that I curb my eating habits to match up with the exercise. It's harder than I would have thought. It's so easy to grab a cookie or other not healthy food item when you are home all day. arg. But I'm trying very hard. I'll let you know how the 6 weeks go. Any suggestions or advice??

Then there's Time management. It is so easy to lose a day doing not much of anything. Ok well, other than making meals and bottles, which actually takes up more time than I would have thought. :) There are so many things that I would like to get done, but I don't. It's frustrating. I need some tips/ suggestions - how do you manage your time? Stay accountable with what you do during the day (or evening)? I have thought about keeping a tight schedule at least for a few days to see how it goes. It would have to have some flexibility of course, I do have 2 kids, and that in and of itself calls for being flexible. But just a nice guideline so I can be more productive. I am horribly behind on a project that should have been done over a month ago, I have Christmas projects I want to get done sooner rather than later. I did finish Ohlen's Halloween costume this morning, which was nice. I'm hoping to start fresh next week and try to get this time thing under control.

Oh and how do you like the new blog header? It isn't perfect, but I like it. :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

10 Years?!

It was 10 years ago today that Jonathan and I officially became a couple. I can still remember that day pretty well. We hadn't known each other for too long, but we talked ALL the time online on AIM, (much to my parent's dismay - we still had dial-up at the time) He actually asked me over AIM. I remember I was nervous - the top of my head was all tingly and my hands were cold. We talked online and then I had to sign off because we were having a youth group gathering at my house. I think I was probably not quite all there that night. :) I don't think we actually saw each other for a few weeks after.

The past 10 years have gone by so fast. I can only imagine that the next ten will go just as fast.

One thing that I really appreciate and love about my husband is how handy he is. He made a really awesome work/storage bench in the garage today. I'll get a picture of it sometime. He's saved us tons of money working on our vehicles. He did so much work at the old house, and has done hours upon hours of work here.

Now for your viewing pleasure - a picture of us in our first year of being a couple. :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Both taken around 4.5 months. Definitely starting to see Noah taking on his own look. :) (He's on the right.)

Friday, October 2, 2009


Sauerkraut - It appears to be, well, rather disgusting - so I'm assuming that means it's coming along just fine. One set of instructions I read said to remove scum each day, but I've been pretty lax about it, and there just doesn't seem to be any... But I also read another post somewhere from a farmer that makes it all the time and their method is to prepare it and forget about it for 6 weeks. So I'm thinking it probably will be just fine.

Pumpkin Latte - Finally made this after I went and bought a milk frother. It was excellent. I halved the recipe and still got more than enough for two cups. I still need a new carafe for my coffee maker, or just a new coffee maker since it does have a crack in the back of it and has several pieces of packing tape keeping it from leaking.... :)

Tortillas - I spent about 2 hours Tuesday making a full batch - so worth it. I made my self an egg burrito for lunch yesterday. It was great. I could just sit and eat them plain....

Swiss Festival - Ohlen had his first experience with fair rides, and he loved it. Nothing makes me more happy than seeing my kids having a great time. Going in I thought that it would be a pretty boring night for me, but it was great. Just watching his face light up, and his excitement. Plus after every ride he would run out the exit and into my leg and give me a huge hug. He was a happy boy. :)

Television - Fall is here, and with it new episodes of my favorite shows. I'm currently following The Office, Survivor, The Amazing Race, and House. I would like to watch Community and Flash Forward. Thank goodness for the internet where I can catch up on the shows that I forget to DVR. Has anyone watched Flash Forward? I saw previews and thought it looked interesting.
The Office has been mostly funny, Survivor has been fun, The Amazing Race looks to be an entertaining season. We've only watched the premiere episode of House, and it was amazing. That show always amazes me. There have been some points where I wasn't quite as into it, but I think it's really come back last season and the first episode of this season. I'm interested to see where they go from here.