Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Room Progress

So just when I thought I was going to get back into blogging:

- I start babysitting much more regularly again.

- Spring hits, which means lots of cleaning, weeding, planting, and various out door activities.

- LOST!!  Oh how I love Lost.  sigh.  I won't bore all of you non Losties with theories and thoughts - but if you want to talk to me about it - I would love to.  Just shoot me an email. :)

 So yeah, blogging hasn't been on the forefront of my mind lately, nor at the top of my priority list, but I am working on some posts.  I want to do a boys update, for those that follow from afar, and are interested. :)  I have a few recipes hiding out.  And of course some gardening stuff to report soon (I hope.)

Today I thought I would share some new pictures of the room my husband is making. He has done everything himself, except for the carpet, well and the painting  - I did that. I love that I have a handyman husband, he has really made/built some great things, and saved us a bunch of money in the process. Love him! :)

These were all taken before the carpet was put in last week (obviously)  There is a bit of the trim up now too.  I would go get some pictures right now - but there is a little one sleeping in there at the moment. 

And finally, a question for my fellow Blogger bloggers.  How do you insert pictures?  Do you use the uploader online, or do you upload via a different program - or load them from a different site?  Do you use the web editor - or is there one I can download to my desktop?  I've been having some issues with picture placement and being able to put the text where I want it, and so on.  I suppose if I would learn some basic HTML that might go smoother.  Anyways, any advice would be appreciated.


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