Friday, December 17, 2010

There's more to the World than Meets the Eye

So I have a question for you all.

A very serious question.

Did anyone else have a cassette tape of Alvina and the Chipmunks Christmas? It wasn't just music - it was a story too.  About Alvin and his Golden Echo Harmonica?  Anyone??  I LOVED it!  I was trying to find a clip on YouTube - and it delivered.  Apparently it was also turned into an animated version, although in the one clip I watched I could tell there were some differences.  Mostly missing the descriptive parts - obviously, since it was showing it.  But anyways, here is one part that I remember very well.

Another one that we always enjoyed was Twas the Night Before Christmas.  The title of this post are lyrics from the one song.  This was probably my favorite as a kid.  It seems like this one isn't that popular, but is also on YouTube. (isn't everything?)

Then there is Santa Bear's High Flying Adventure.  (I think that's the actual name)  This can be purchased on Amazon for the low low price of $108... seriously...  this one is pretty obscure, apparently.  But as usual, YouTube comes through.

We also watched the usual - Frosty, Rudolph, Looney Tunes  Good times.  I remember pulling out the Christmas VHS tape that we had recorded them all on from TV.  I should pull it out again - and laugh at all the commercials. :)


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